If art making is a partnership, what kind of relationship do you have?
Are you steamy lovers who can’t get enough of each other?
Is it a cold war with no contact?
Are you always fighting?
Or somewhere in-between or on another spectrum?
Get the creative juices started with a colorful description that captures what your relationship with your art is like, in 15 words or less by filling out the below form. I will print the responses in an upcoming Art Spark. Include how you would like your name to appear.
All submissions will then go into a random drawing and one lucky art maker (or wanna be art maker) will win a free one hour individual session at the studio, over Skype or on the phone! The winner will be announced in an upcoming Art Spark, so be sure to check your email!
If you have friends that want to participate have them join in on the conversation!
Go play with words!
Get started!
Fill out the form below.