
Category: General Expressive Arts Movement Session

Expressive Arts Movement Session

August 6, 2024

Expressive Arts Movement Session

1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.


Venmo Michele @Michele-Lyons-5 (note dance in memo)

Or pay at the door.

Get Wild and Joyful!

Expressive Arts Movement sessions will help you:
feel alive and vibrant
relieve stress
increase mobility
increase happiness
have fun
express what you're feeling
increase confidence
become aware of how your body movements connect to how you feel

Michele Lyons M.A., local movement artist, Expressive Arts therapist and Certified Intimacy Coach leads the sessions. She specializes in creating breakthrough moments through Expressive Arts for re-igniting passion, feeling loved, and walking in the world with confidence.

For more info, email Michele @ coachmklyons@gmail.com or call/text 858-357-3207

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