

How many people can we get doodling at one time THIS time?

Expressive Arts San Diego Doodle-a-thon

Saturday, March11th, 2023  •  6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.  •  A FREE Community Event


It is an” I Love to Doodle” DOODLE-A-THON!
How many people can we get doodling at one time?
A FREE Community Event

Join us for a mindless adventure and Doodle with the artists of THE LOVE SHOW!


How many people can we get doodling at one time? Join us for a mindless adventure! Don’t think you know how to doodle? No worries, just come and make a mark on the table, and you probably won’t be able to stop! So come get your doodle on, bring a friend, trained or untrained, it is for everyone! We will supply everything, even the smiles!



Expressive Arts San Diego Doodle-a-thon


Doodling and Expressive Arts @ 32nd & Thorn

Doodle is a light word, an airy suggestion of something to do when bored, or distracted, and yet if we reflect on our own doodling we might just find it is more. We often doodle when we are thinking, or don’t want to think, and through the movement of the pen on the paper we are able to draw out the answers we are looking for without even realizing it. We can iron out the wrinkles of the problem; make things simple by the complexities, and turns of the pen on the page.

You don’t need much for a doodle, just a pen and the back of an envelope, an old magazine, the margin next to the crossword or as at Expressive Arts @ 32nd & Thorn, a white paper covered table. It could be the tiniest repetition of a shape, or the most elaborate meandering of a twisting, twirling line. There have even been reports suggesting our recall of facts, and focus is improved when we doodle.

At Expressive Arts @ 32nd & Thorn, the Art of Doodling has been given a new significance by becoming community art. One to eight people sitting around a six-foot table add their marks. As the table doodle takes shape over a hundred different people will have worked on it, each adding their own style, ideas and improvisations. Since 2010, when the studio first opened, this daily celebration of line, color and shape makes the Table Doodle Art an integral part of the studio, and everyone that enters is invited to leave their mark.

Through this process doodling has become a way to forge new relationships, and learn new things about the people around us. The healing, powerful nature of art is expressed in a simple movement of pen against paper.

The community doodling at this unique Expressive Arts studio is on inexpensive craft paper, the colors fade, the lines become indistinct, the paper gets spilled on or ripped, the casual impermanence is part of what makes it easy and accessible to both trained artists and those who don’t believe they can create art.

“The Art of Doodling”, a show that celebrates this special art form can be viewed at Expressive Arts at 32nd and Thorn. Come see the work and leave your own mark on the newest doodle tables! (Open during events and by appointment.)